OT: Trimobia - Lost In The Wilderness - Thread 2
(too old to reply)
2012-01-26 04:55:07 UTC
This is bumping a thread up - as the story is now 100 lus posts back
it seemed easier to carry it over here. Oh, before any more
installments, Larry (the Giant Squid) asked me to share this link :


Just to overcome the doubt that octopi and squid have less than any
form of intelligence and would be capable of doing exactly what Larry
is doing.

TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-01-26 04:55:12 UTC
This is bumping a thread up - as the story is now 100 lus posts back
it seemed easier to carry it over here. Oh, before any more
installments, Larry (the Giant Squid) asked me to share this link :


Just to overcome the doubt that octopi and squid have less than any
form of intelligence and would be capable of doing exactly what Larry
is doing.

TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-01-26 07:18:42 UTC
Jack took a sip of his rum. “That wasn’t fair,” he muttered. He
looked at me as we lifted off the ground. “So, what do we do now,

I looked back at Jack and grinned. “Now, Captain Jack, we ride!”

(to be continued…)

We moored the airship and killed her engines. The point in the pass
where we were going to intercept the stagecoach was far enough out of
view that no one would catch sight of the craft. We carefully went
over the plans one last time to make sure that nothing was going to
happen to raise suspicion or create a problem for the work that was to

Jack took his position at the roadside. ‘Pickaxe’ and I waited behind
a rock to the side. Haliburton was further back with Larry and ready
to apply the sedative dart to “Inky” bill the moment we had him out of
the stagecoach line of sight.

In a few minutes we could hear the approaching horses and transport
drawing close to us. As it crested the pass between the rock walls,
Jack staggered out from where he had been sitting. He wafted his hand
skyward to catch the attention of the driver and guard sitting atop
the coach.

“Ahoy there, friends. I need you to stop your wagon, “ the pirate
captain said.

Somewhat surprised to see a pirate appear along a western mountain
coach road, the driver quickly applied the reins to his team and the
coach came to a stop in the road.

“What the heck are you,” the driver asked, spitting to the side to
give accent to his question.

“I,” Jack slurred with pride, “am a pirate.”

The guard laughed beneath a bushy beard of grizzled red. “Aw, spit,”
he chuckled, yer drunk and dressed up all frilly like. “ He scratched
his head. “Ain’t never seen the likes of someone like you before, save
for some of the ladies who work upstairs at the saloon.”

Jack nodded. “You are right. I am a drunk pirate. As for the ladies
who work upstairs at the saloon, “ he made a sweeping gesture that
arced behind him, “I have yet to meet their fanciful delights.
Perhaps you might be able to give me a ride into town so I might enjoy
a dally or two with those wenches tonight.”

The guard looked at the driver. “What did he say,” he asked, and again
scratched his head.

The driver shook his head. “I think he wants a ride into town and to
get to the gals at the saloon.”

Jack nodded. “The coach master has it right.” He took a step towards
the stage. “And now, if I might board this vessel…”

The driver sighed and looped the reins around the handrail before
climbing down. The guard laid his coach gun to the floor and stepped
down from his position on the upper bench to help Jack aboard as
well. As soon as the two drivers were on the ground, ‘Pickaxe’ and I
made our move.

McGride stepped out with a gun and motioned the drivers to the side.
He held them there until I joined him and relieved him of his watch.
He then went and opened the side door of the stagecoach, and,
instructed “Inky” Bill to get out. The bad squid slithered out into
the pass and Jack came around the other side of the coach, his
flintlock leveled directly at “Inky’s” craw.

Inky shook his head and sighed. “A pirate. Why did it have to be a
pirate,” he asked.

Jack grinned. “A pirate in need of a calamari stand, mate. And you
seem to be the right build and height for the main course supply. “ He
motioned with his flintlock to the area where Haliburton and Larry
were waiting. “If you would tentacle yourself in that direction I
would be most obliged.”

‘Pickaxe’ added his revolver to further convince “Inky”, who decided
it was better to do as asked than fight. As they headed to the next
step of our capture, I stayed behind with the driver and guard.

“Now, don’t you fellows worry. There ain’t gonna be no harm to
anyone. We’re here to help an honest businessman to get a start. As
soon as I hear a shot from the woods there, I’ll know it is safe to
let you both get back on your way.”

The driver looked at me. “You don’t want the money or the mail we’re

I shook my head. “Not interested in that. Just helpin’ a friend

Suddenly a shot was heard in the distance. “Inky” Bill came running
out of the rocks and jumped aboard the stagecoach. He leaned out of
the door and shouted to the driver and guard to get back on board and
do their jobs. I looked around in shock and surprise. McGride came
running out as well, holding his arm as if he had been hurt.

“That no good critter winged me and that pirate what hired us with
only one bullet! Took out our shootin’ arms. Then it ran here faster
than I could imagine,” ‘Pickaxe’ cursed, adding to the confusion of
the moment.

A silver barrel six-shooter extended from the stagecoach interior. “I
suggest you all just let these men get on with their work. Make a
calamari stand out of me, indeed. Driver, Guard, get back to the stage
and let’s roll on into town. I’ve got friends ….. expectin’ me.”

McGride stared with anger at the silver barrel. I gently laid my own
revolver on the ground and stepped back a pace. “Smart thinkin’,
lady,” Inky clacked. "Just stay peaceful like and everything will be

The driver and guard quickly regained their upper seats and the reins
were quickly applied to the horses, speeding the stagecoach from
sight. As soon as the dust was settling on the road I picked up my
revolver and re-holstered it. I grinned at the miner. “Did it work,”
I asked.

McGride nodded and grinned. “Like a charm,” he replied.

(to be continued…)

TDC Adventurer at large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-01-29 20:45:06 UTC
Post by Vully
The driver and guard quickly regained their upper seats and the reins
were quickly applied to the horses, speeding the stagecoach from
sight.  As soon as the dust was settling on the road I picked up my
revolver and re-holstered it.  I grinned at the miner. “Did it work,”
I asked.
McGride nodded and grinned.  “Like a charm,” he replied.
(to be continued…
We navigated the CHESHIREGRIN back to the miner’s cabin. “Inky” Bill
was sleeping off the tranquilizer in the water tank I had Haliburton
install in the lower cabin for just that purpose. Once we tethered up
at McGride’s we broke out another keg of choice Trimobian Rum Punch
and went inside to plan.

It was a short order of things, really. For the time being, Jack and
McGride were to stay alert in the town and keep tabs on what was
happening. I would pitch camp in the canyon near Echo Mine so Larry
would have an easy route of communication to get the information
across to us with. Amar was dispatched back to Trimobia with the
camels he and Jack had rode in on, along with instructions to ready a
pride of ostriches for quick transport back to Rainbow Ridge; as well
as to gather information on what was transpiring inside the pirate’s
lair. I didn’t wish to express my gut feelings, but, the Queen’s
capture and abduction seemed too easy for someone like Alameda Slim
and the Willies to just go in and pull off on their own. Caren was a
lot smarter and pluckier than that.

As McGride and Jack enjoyed another round of the Trimobian national
drink, I walked outside with Haliburton for a few last minute

The cousin to the Trimobian cephalopod was to be transported to
Discovery Bay, where Jason would watch him for safe keeping. I didn’t
want to run the risk of Captain Jack getting over eager and trying to
establish his calamari franchise too soon. I thought for a moment and

“Bring Master Bhang back to Trimobia with you. I believe we may be in
need of his expertise in fireworks and explosives before this is
over. Once I get enough information gathered I’ll send you another
telegraph on our next move. “ I thought a bit more. “Oh, get Ping to
go into the fortress and retrieve the cannonade that isn’t chained
down. I have a feeling we’re going to need that loose cannon, too….”

(to be continued…)

TDC Adventurer at large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-01-31 21:33:15 UTC
“Bring Master Bhang back to Trimobia with you.  I believe we may be in
need of his expertise in fireworks and explosives before this is
over.  Once I get enough information gathered I’ll send you another
telegraph on our next move. “ I thought a bit  more.  “Oh, get Ping to
go into the fortress and retrieve the cannonade that isn’t chained
down.  I have a feeling we’re going to need that loose cannon, too….”
(to be continued…)
I had barely been awake at my camp in the canyon when the squid-of-
many-disguises showed up with his first intel report. He didn’t stay
long as fear of being noticed was a reality for the both of us. I
quickly packed a bag of eggrolls and a keg of Dole Whip Float (laced
with a bite or two of Trimobian Rum Punch) to have him take back for
the Queen and the other Trimobia residents who were being held
prisoner in the Echo Mine. Before he left Larry asked me to take care
of a shipment that was due to have arrived in Trimobia of contraband
Mountain Dew for his Cavern Lounge. I assured him that Amar had
already returned to Trimobia and that I was certain he would attend to
taking care of the details with 'Big' Bob and Tink. If there was one
thing worse than a Trimobian without their Rum Punch, or, Ping without
a cannon, it would be no Mountain Dew to be enjoyed in Trimoiba. I
knew that shipment would get through. Comforted in this knowledge,
Larry tentacled his way back to Echo Mine and his activities there. I
chuckled to myself, watching him slither away bow-legged did present
an amusing image. I waited for an hour after Larry departed before I
headed out of the canyon myself and back to the cabin in order to not
draw suspicion on any activities.

We had a quick breakfast at McGride’s place. The information I had
received was disturbing. Slim and the Thunder Mesa Gang were growing
stronger with each passing day. They apparently were amassing a large
arsenal of dynamite, gunpowder, and other explosives for their assault
on Trimobian Adventureland. The plan was simple, level it to the
ground and re-build their operation there. What that operation was,
however, was still unclear. However, there was to be a general
meeting of the entire gathered Thunder Mesa Gang and operation three
days hence. One of us had to be there. Everyone in the area already
knew McGirde. And Jack, well, you might be able to make him look like
an old west bandit, but, there was far too much pirate to ever
properly hide. As for myself, well, I guess I won the prize.
Besides, I had a few cards I could still play from my temporal
traveling years that were on my side.

I left the cabin and rode into Rainbow Ridge alone. I was bothered in
that there was one detail I had left out of the matter on purpose.
Apparently a good number of the Queen’s Pirate Brigade had changed
camps in her absence and were a part of her abduction plan that had
transpired. Apparently something about new work hour regulations she
had issued had been the deciding factor. Not that it couldn’t be
taken care of, but, I didn’t have the time to go back and directly
deal with the matter, the High Sea Piracy Firm, and the rest of the
union nonsense. Especially when the labor dispute against a queen who
happened to be trapped less than four miles from where I currently was
had no real effect until the Queen could get back to Trimobia.

In town I had a brief meeting with ‘Pecos’ Bill and ‘Windwagon’
Smith. It didn’t take terribly long to get them to align with our
side. It’s amazing what a well-placed glass or two of fermented apple
cider will accomplish.

Bill rode out to the desert to gather the coyote clan and send them
back to the canyons outside Echo Mine. ‘Windwagon’ would be ready in
his Prairie Schooner, a great covered wagon that was a three-mast
rigging affair, a vessel that sailed the desert and prairie as sweet
and gentle as a ship would sail the sea. For added insurance, after
‘Pecos’ had relayed the message to our coyote family to rendezvous
with me in the canyon, he would ride Widowmaker down south Texas way
and lasso up a couple of small windstorms for us to have as assured
power source for the schooner in the travel back and forth to
Trimobia. That having been arranged, I knew it would soon be time to
have a meeting of the rest of the party with our two new members as
well. And, I had to now work myself into the accepting graces of
Alameda Slim and the Thunder Mesa Gang.

(to be continued…)

TDC Adventurer at large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-01-31 23:39:46 UTC
Post by Vully
“Bring Master Bhang back to Trimobia with you.  I believe we may be in
need of his expertise in fireworks and explosives before this is
over.  Once I get enough information gathered I’ll send you another
telegraph on our next move. “ I thought a bit  more.  “Oh, get Ping to
go into the fortress and retrieve the cannonade that isn’t chained
down.  I have a feeling we’re going to need that loose cannon, too….”
(to be continued…)
I had barely been awake at my camp in the canyon when the squid-of-
many-disguises showed up with his first intel report.  He didn’t stay
long as fear of being noticed was a reality for the both of us.  I
quickly packed a bag of eggrolls and a keg of Dole Whip Float (laced
with a bite or two of Trimobian Rum Punch) to have him take back for
the Queen and the other Trimobia residents who were being held
prisoner in the Echo Mine. Before he left Larry asked me to take care
of a shipment that was due to have arrived in Trimobia of contraband
Mountain Dew for his Cavern Lounge.  I assured him that Amar had
already returned to Trimobia and that I was certain he would attend to
taking care of the details with 'Big' Bob and Tink.  If there was one
thing worse than a Trimobian without their Rum Punch, or, Ping without
a cannon, it would be no Mountain Dew to be enjoyed in Trimoiba.  I
knew that shipment would get through. Comforted in this knowledge,
Larry tentacled his way back to Echo Mine and his activities there.  I
chuckled to myself, watching him slither away bow-legged did present
an amusing image.  I waited for an hour after Larry departed before I
headed out of the canyon myself and back to the cabin in order to not
draw suspicion on any activities.
We had a quick breakfast at McGride’s place.  The information I had
received was disturbing.  Slim and the Thunder Mesa Gang were growing
stronger with each passing day.  They apparently were amassing a large
arsenal of dynamite, gunpowder, and other explosives for their assault
on Trimobian Adventureland.  The plan was simple, level it to the
ground and re-build their operation there.  What that operation was,
however, was still unclear.  However, there was to be a general
meeting of the entire gathered Thunder Mesa Gang and operation three
days hence.  One of us had to be there.  Everyone in the area already
knew McGirde.  And Jack, well, you might be able to make him look like
an old west bandit, but, there was far too much pirate to ever
properly hide.  As for myself, well, I guess I won the prize.
Besides, I had a few cards I could still play from my temporal
traveling years that were on my side.
I left the cabin and rode into Rainbow Ridge alone.  I was bothered in
that there was one detail I had left out of the matter on purpose.
Apparently a good number of the Queen’s Pirate Brigade had changed
camps in her absence and were a part of her abduction plan that had
transpired.  Apparently something about new work hour regulations she
had issued had been the deciding factor.  Not that it couldn’t be
taken care of, but, I didn’t have the time to go back and directly
deal with the matter, the High Sea Piracy Firm, and the rest of the
union nonsense.  Especially when the labor dispute against a queen who
happened to be trapped less than four miles from where I currently was
had no real effect until the Queen could get back to Trimobia.
In town I had a brief meeting with ‘Pecos’ Bill and ‘Windwagon’
Smith.  It didn’t take terribly long to get them to align with our
side.  It’s amazing what a well-placed glass or two of fermented apple
cider will accomplish.
Bill rode out to the desert to gather the coyote clan and send them
back to the canyons outside Echo Mine.  ‘Windwagon’ would be ready in
his Prairie Schooner, a great covered wagon that was a three-mast
rigging affair, a vessel that sailed the desert and prairie as sweet
and gentle as a ship would sail the sea. For added insurance, after
‘Pecos’ had relayed the message to our coyote family to rendezvous
with me in the canyon, he would ride Widowmaker down south Texas way
and lasso up a couple of small windstorms for us to have as assured
power source for the schooner in the travel back and forth to
Trimobia.   That having been arranged, I knew it would soon be time to
have a meeting of the rest of the party with our two new members as
well.  And, I had to now work myself into the accepting graces of
Alameda Slim and the Thunder Mesa Gang.
(to be continued…)
 TDC Adventurer at large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
The Queen of Adventureland, having decided not to wait around for the
cocktail hour, decided to escape from the mine, taking her cohorts
with her. It was easy, really.

Next thing she knows, she comes across a large stash of dynamite,
gunpowder, and other explosives, and who can bypass an opportunity
like that? Extra fireworks display over the ruins of Thunder Mountain
tonight, boys!

TDC Queen of Adventureland
(Go get Ping, she'll help)
2012-02-01 01:08:51 UTC
Post by Caren
Post by Vully
“Bring Master Bhang back to Trimobia with you.  I believe we may be in
need of his expertise in fireworks and explosives before this is
over.  Once I get enough information gathered I’ll send you another
telegraph on our next move. “ I thought a bit  more.  “Oh, get Ping to
go into the fortress and retrieve the cannonade that isn’t chained
down.  I have a feeling we’re going to need that loose cannon, too….”
(to be continued…)
I had barely been awake at my camp in the canyon when the squid-of-
many-disguises showed up with his first intel report.  He didn’t stay
long as fear of being noticed was a reality for the both of us.  I
quickly packed a bag of eggrolls and a keg of Dole Whip Float (laced
with a bite or two of Trimobian Rum Punch) to have him take back for
the Queen and the other Trimobia residents who were being held
prisoner in the Echo Mine. Before he left Larry asked me to take care
of a shipment that was due to have arrived in Trimobia of contraband
Mountain Dew for his Cavern Lounge.  I assured him that Amar had
already returned to Trimobia and that I was certain he would attend to
taking care of the details with 'Big' Bob and Tink.  If there was one
thing worse than a Trimobian without their Rum Punch, or, Ping without
a cannon, it would be no Mountain Dew to be enjoyed in Trimoiba.  I
knew that shipment would get through. Comforted in this knowledge,
Larry tentacled his way back to Echo Mine and his activities there.  I
chuckled to myself, watching him slither away bow-legged did present
an amusing image.  I waited for an hour after Larry departed before I
headed out of the canyon myself and back to the cabin in order to not
draw suspicion on any activities.
We had a quick breakfast at McGride’s place.  The information I had
received was disturbing.  Slim and the Thunder Mesa Gang were growing
stronger with each passing day.  They apparently were amassing a large
arsenal of dynamite, gunpowder, and other explosives for their assault
on Trimobian Adventureland.  The plan was simple, level it to the
ground and re-build their operation there.  What that operation was,
however, was still unclear.  However, there was to be a general
meeting of the entire gathered Thunder Mesa Gang and operation three
days hence.  One of us had to be there.  Everyone in the area already
knew McGirde.  And Jack, well, you might be able to make him look like
an old west bandit, but, there was far too much pirate to ever
properly hide.  As for myself, well, I guess I won the prize.
Besides, I had a few cards I could still play from my temporal
traveling years that were on my side.
I left the cabin and rode into Rainbow Ridge alone.  I was bothered in
that there was one detail I had left out of the matter on purpose.
Apparently a good number of the Queen’s Pirate Brigade had changed
camps in her absence and were a part of her abduction plan that had
transpired.  Apparently something about new work hour regulations she
had issued had been the deciding factor.  Not that it couldn’t be
taken care of, but, I didn’t have the time to go back and directly
deal with the matter, the High Sea Piracy Firm, and the rest of the
union nonsense.  Especially when the labor dispute against a queen who
happened to be trapped less than four miles from where I currently was
had no real effect until the Queen could get back to Trimobia.
In town I had a brief meeting with ‘Pecos’ Bill and ‘Windwagon’
Smith.  It didn’t take terribly long to get them to align with our
side.  It’s amazing what a well-placed glass or two of fermented apple
cider will accomplish.
Bill rode out to the desert to gather the coyote clan and send them
back to the canyons outside Echo Mine.  ‘Windwagon’ would be ready in
his Prairie Schooner, a great covered wagon that was a three-mast
rigging affair, a vessel that sailed the desert and prairie as sweet
and gentle as a ship would sail the sea. For added insurance, after
‘Pecos’ had relayed the message to our coyote family to rendezvous
with me in the canyon, he would ride Widowmaker down south Texas way
and lasso up a couple of small windstorms for us to have as assured
power source for the schooner in the travel back and forth to
Trimobia.   That having been arranged, I knew it would soon be time to
have a meeting of the rest of the party with our two new members as
well.  And, I had to now work myself into the accepting graces of
Alameda Slim and the Thunder Mesa Gang.
(to be continued…)
 TDC Adventurer at large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
The Queen of Adventureland, having decided not to wait around for the
cocktail hour, decided to escape from the mine, taking her cohorts
with her. It was easy, really.
Next thing she knows, she comes across a large stash of dynamite,
gunpowder, and other explosives, and who can bypass an opportunity
like that? Extra fireworks display over the ruins of Thunder Mountain
tonight, boys!
TDC Queen of Adventureland
(Go get Ping, she'll help)
Having noted that their prisoners were missing, the Willies quickly
ran and got several other members of the Thunder Mesa Gang to assist
them. They quickly caught up with the escaping Trimobians and had
them tied up again.

The unfortunate souls found themselves back in their retaining cavern,
this time without the freedom of movement they had previously been
granted. Great chains and shackles about their ankles kept them
anchored firmly in the cavern's cubby, which was now barred by a great
iron gate.

Alameda Slim entered the room after the Queen and her cohorts were
shackled, leering evilly at all of them. "You see, no one escapes from
here. Not even spies we catch amongst us. Boys, bring him in."

The Willies entered the chamber with a large squid, dressed in solid
black. "This imposter had pretended to be "Inky" Bill. He would have
gotten away with it, too, had he not forgotten his silver upper beak
prosthesis during lunch. Best chain him up as well, boys...can't
trust these Trimobians at all," Slim laughed and said, dripping his
words with evil intent.

"Seeing as how you found our powder cave, and seem highly interested
in it, then, let me assure you that you will be able to first-handed
see it's power and effect. We are almost doneo shipping all of this
to your realm of Trimobia, where we are going to level your beloved
Adventureland, treehouse, fortress, and, caverns. " He rubbed his
large hands together. "Very first-hand, in fact. You see, I was
going to let you live and see what we did to your land. Now, you will
be chained and left in your treehouse as we blow the place sky high!"
He sneered. "I do hope you enjoy being blasted into a smithereens
orbit. As for your loyal pirates," another evil laugh, "most of them
have joined our side and will be assisting us in the destruction of
your realm. Such a pity, you brass bound buffoon, that, too, is your
fault. Your last set of regulations and rules sent to them drove them
to strike against you and brought the majority of them over to our
side. " He thought for a moment. "Those that don't, well, they will
be suffering the same fate as the rest of you. " He whistled and four
heavily armed banditos stepped into the cell chamber. "These are your
guards, seeing as how we can't trust you for good behavior. They are
outside the door and will be there until we take you back to your
treehouse and strap you in for the ride of your life. All you have to
do is wait for the story to be over!"

And with that, Alameda Slim and the rest of his gang disappeared down
the corridor. As the heavy iron gate closed on our trapped
companions, the voice of Queen Caren could be heard talking to her
associates. "This is another fine mess you've gotten me into," she

(To be continued...)
TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-02-01 04:12:41 UTC
Post by Caren
“Bring Master Bhang back to Trimobia with you. I believe we may be in
need of his expertise in fireworks and explosives before this is
over. Once I get enough information gathered I’ll send you another
telegraph on our next move. “ I thought a bit more. “Oh, get Ping to
go into the fortress and retrieve the cannonade that isn’t chained
down. I have a feeling we’re going to need that loose cannon, too….”
(to be continued…)
Cannonade? Um, I think I know this, but, just wanted to make sure we are on
the same page. This is not an explosive beverage, right?
Post by Caren
The Queen of Adventureland, having decided not to wait around for the
cocktail hour, decided to escape from the mine, taking her cohorts
with her. It was easy, really.
Next thing she knows, she comes across a large stash of dynamite,
gunpowder, and other explosives, and who can bypass an opportunity
like that? Extra fireworks display over the ruins of Thunder Mountain
tonight, boys!
(Go get Ping, she'll help)
YES! Let's blow this mother up!

Thunder was a fun coaster ride while it lasted. (shrug) Oh well. Maybe
nobody will notice.
Post by Caren
He sneered. "I do hope you enjoy being blasted into a smithereens
orbit. As for your loyal pirates," another evil laugh, "most of them
have joined our side and will be assisting us in the destruction of
your realm. Such a pity, you brass bound buffoon, that, too, is your
WTH?? Did you really just refer to Queenie as a buffoon?? Oh no!
TDC Ping, Royal Heroine Warrior
Grand Imagineer of the Trimobian Pavilion
2012-02-01 04:41:49 UTC
Cannonade?  Um, I think I know this, but, just wanted to make sure we are on
the same page.  This is not an explosive beverage, right?
Nope - a cannoade is a smaller cannon, or, a continuous bombardment of
cannon fire. The popular definition is the latter, but, it has been
used in certain piracy circles I inhabit to refer to a smaller gun.
YES!  Let's blow this mother up!
Thunder was a fun coaster ride while it lasted.  (shrug)  Oh well.  Maybe nobody will notice.
Nope, no blowing things up, yet. Queenie and her companions (and now,
sadly, Larry) are captured by Alameda Slim and the dread Thunder Mesa

Blowing things up will start happening soon, however.
WTH??  Did you really just refer to Queenie as a buffoon??  Oh no!
Of course I didn't. Alameda Slim made that faux pas in his gloating
over the recapture of Her Nibs and the Trimobian prisoners. I
personally would not call her that, by any means. In fact, I
previously stated that she was too smart and plucky to be easily
tricked. She was hijacked again as the story unfolds...and will soon
be happy with the first of a series of explosions that will be even
more spectacular than those of El Pirato Fantasmico! (I take care of
these story hijacks and deal with them soon...that Thunder Mesa Gang
will be served their comeuppance, for sure!

TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-02-01 11:00:19 UTC
Post by Caren
“Bring Master Bhang back to Trimobia with you. I believe we may be in
need of his expertise in fireworks and explosives before this is
over. Once I get enough information gathered I’ll send you another
telegraph on our next move. “ I thought a bit more. “Oh, get Ping to
go into the fortress and retrieve the cannonade that isn’t chained
down. I have a feeling we’re going to need that loose cannon, too….”
(to be continued…)
Cannonade?  Um, I think I know this, but, just wanted to make sure we are on
the same page.  This is not an explosive beverage, right?
Post by Caren
The Queen of Adventureland, having decided not to wait around for the
cocktail hour, decided to escape from the mine, taking her cohorts
with her. It was easy, really.
Next thing she knows, she comes across a large stash of dynamite,
gunpowder, and other explosives, and who can bypass an opportunity
like that? Extra fireworks display over the ruins of Thunder Mountain
tonight, boys!
(Go get Ping, she'll help)
YES!  Let's blow this mother up!
Thunder was a fun coaster ride while it lasted.  (shrug)  Oh well.  Maybe
nobody will notice.
Post by Caren
He sneered.  "I do hope you enjoy being blasted into a smithereens
orbit.  As for your loyal pirates," another evil laugh, "most of them
have joined our side and will be assisting us in the destruction of
your realm.  Such a pity, you brass bound buffoon, that, too, is your
WTH??  Did you really just refer to Queenie as a buffoon??  Oh no!
Yes, and she will pay.

TDC Queen of Adventureland
2012-02-01 20:57:25 UTC
Post by Caren
Post by Caren
“Bring Master Bhang back to Trimobia with you. I believe we may be in
need of his expertise in fireworks and explosives before this is
over. Once I get enough information gathered I’ll send you another
telegraph on our next move. “ I thought a bit more. “Oh, get Ping to
go into the fortress and retrieve the cannonade that isn’t chained
down. I have a feeling we’re going to need that loose cannon, too….”
(to be continued…)
Cannonade?  Um, I think I know this, but, just wanted to make sure we are on
the same page.  This is not an explosive beverage, right?
Post by Caren
The Queen of Adventureland, having decided not to wait around for the
cocktail hour, decided to escape from the mine, taking her cohorts
with her. It was easy, really.
Next thing she knows, she comes across a large stash of dynamite,
gunpowder, and other explosives, and who can bypass an opportunity
like that? Extra fireworks display over the ruins of Thunder Mountain
tonight, boys!
(Go get Ping, she'll help)
YES!  Let's blow this mother up!
Thunder was a fun coaster ride while it lasted.  (shrug)  Oh well.  Maybe
nobody will notice.
Post by Caren
He sneered.  "I do hope you enjoy being blasted into a smithereens
orbit.  As for your loyal pirates," another evil laugh, "most of them
have joined our side and will be assisting us in the destruction of
your realm.  Such a pity, you brass bound buffoon, that, too, is your
WTH??  Did you really just refer to Queenie as a buffoon??  Oh no!
Yes, and she will pay.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
It's a story. ;) As for the exciting - people write different
ways...If offended I have, I apologize - was not meant in that
2012-02-02 03:41:17 UTC
Post by Caren
He sneered. "I do hope you enjoy being blasted into a smithereens
orbit. As for your loyal pirates," another evil laugh, "most of them
have joined our side and will be assisting us in the destruction of
your realm. Such a pity, you brass bound buffoon, that, too, is your
WTH?? Did you really just refer to Queenie as a buffoon?? Oh no!
Yes, and she will pay.
It's a story. ;) As for the exciting - people write different
ways...If offended I have, I apologize - was not meant in that
The only thing I am offended by is not being offered a keg of Thunder
Mountain Dew when you started asking me to do stuff. And maybe also a
little bit by squids wearing chaps.
TDC Ping, Royal Heroine Warrior
Grand Imagineer of the Trimobian Pavilion
2012-02-02 05:31:22 UTC
Post by LisaB
Post by Caren
He sneered. "I do hope you enjoy being blasted into a smithereens
orbit. As for your loyal pirates," another evil laugh, "most of them
have joined our side and will be assisting us in the destruction of
your realm. Such a pity, you brass bound buffoon, that, too, is your
WTH?? Did you really just refer to Queenie as a buffoon?? Oh no!
Yes, and she will pay.
It's a story. ;)  As for the exciting - people write different
ways...If offended I have, I apologize - was not meant in that
The only thing I am offended by is not being offered a keg of Thunder
Mountain Dew when you started asking me to do stuff.  And maybe also a
little bit by squids wearing chaps.
TDC Ping, Royal Heroine Warrior
Grand Imagineer of the Trimobian Pavilion
The point of the Mountain Dew is yet to come...you're getting ahead of
the tale. As for a squid in chaps...Larry likes it that way... ;)

TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-02-02 12:51:24 UTC
Post by Vully
Post by LisaB
Post by Caren
He sneered. "I do hope you enjoy being blasted into a smithereens
orbit. As for your loyal pirates," another evil laugh, "most of them
have joined our side and will be assisting us in the destruction of
your realm. Such a pity, you brass bound buffoon, that, too, is your
WTH?? Did you really just refer to Queenie as a buffoon?? Oh no!
Yes, and she will pay.
It's a story. ;)  As for the exciting - people write different
ways...If offended I have, I apologize - was not meant in that
The only thing I am offended by is not being offered a keg of Thunder
Mountain Dew when you started asking me to do stuff.  And maybe also a
little bit by squids wearing chaps.
TDC Ping, Royal Heroine Warrior
Grand Imagineer of the Trimobian Pavilion
The point of the Mountain Dew is yet to come...you're getting ahead of
the tale.  As for a squid in chaps...Larry likes it that way... ;)
He does NOT!

TDC Queen of Adventureland
2012-02-02 16:15:28 UTC
Tink (whispering into BigBob's ear): Psss, psss, psss, psss...

BigBob: Tink suggests that the storyboards we're using for "Trimobia -
Lost In The Wilderness" are fakes!

According to one of Tink's fairie friends over in Beancounting,
instead of destroying the storyboards for "Pirates of the Caribbean
IX: We Got Nothing 3D," some of the evil executive suits decided to
leak them, in the hopes that Trimobians would make some sense of it.
Well, the joke's on them -- *nobody* can make sense of the PotC movies
anymore (at least since they made Dick Cook walk the plank).

Tink: "Psss, psss, psss, psss..."

BigBob: "Tink wonders if The King would like to come for a visit...
something about 'bring Bertha' "

Tink: "Psss, psss, psss, psss..."

BigBob: "Uh, why is Ping scaling the castle"?

Just then Tink and BigBob hear a knock at the door...
As they slowly open the door, a tall stranger, dressed as a pirate, is

Captain Morgan: "Captain 'Rum Punch' Morgan at your service. Larry
tells me you're having some problems with the Rum Punch Fountain."

BigBob: "Well, that was how this all got started..."

Captain Morgan: "If you Trimobians want to rescue The Queen and
restore the space-time continuum, yer goin' t' need ole Captain Jack
Sparrow -- and he's of no use to ya if he's sober."

Tink, BigBob and Captain Morgan head out to repair the Rum Punch

Tink: "Psss, psss, psss, psss..."

BigBob: "Uh, why is Ping screaming and shaking her fist at us"?

Ping flings herself onto Tink's flight-wire and beats us to the
Tomorrowland Terrace ruins. As we arrive, she hysterically waves a
parking pass at us, demanding to know where she can get it validated.
It would appear that Ping doesn't do very well sober, either :)
Captain Morgan whips-up a quick Mountain-Dew-and-Rum chaser, shaken
not stirred of course, to calm everyone down.
Ping approves Captain Morgan's rum, and leads the merry inebriates off
towards the Rum Punch Fountain to perform the emergency maintenance.

Unbeknownst to Ping, or the others, is that the "parking pass" is a
NextGen tracking-device planted by the evil executive vice-president
in charge of beancounting.
The beancounters have long desired to know the location of the
Trimobian Rum Punch Fountain, so that they can designate it
"Temporarily Closed; Operates Seasonally."
Little do they know, Larry is aware of all their devious beans, er
plans, and waits to settle many old scores...

Our immediate task at hand is to, uh, "freshen" Captain Jack Sparrow's
The Queen's Butterbeer field trip was, secretly, a clever diversion to
draw the beancounter's attention.
Professor Isobar has prepared the Mountain Dew geysers.
All Trimobia awaits The Queen's next command (or the next round of
drinks, whichever comes first)...
2012-02-02 17:07:48 UTC
Post by Caren
Post by Vully
Post by LisaB
Post by Caren
He sneered. "I do hope you enjoy being blasted into a smithereens
orbit. As for your loyal pirates," another evil laugh, "most of them
have joined our side and will be assisting us in the destruction of
your realm. Such a pity, you brass bound buffoon, that, too, is your
WTH?? Did you really just refer to Queenie as a buffoon?? Oh no!
Yes, and she will pay.
It's a story. ;)  As for the exciting - people write different
ways...If offended I have, I apologize - was not meant in that
The only thing I am offended by is not being offered a keg of Thunder
Mountain Dew when you started asking me to do stuff.  And maybe also a
little bit by squids wearing chaps.
TDC Ping, Royal Heroine Warrior
Grand Imagineer of the Trimobian Pavilion
The point of the Mountain Dew is yet to come...you're getting ahead of
the tale.  As for a squid in chaps...Larry likes it that way... ;)
He does NOT!
TDC Queen of Adventureland
I assure you, the cephlapod master of disguises enjoys all of his
outfits. You should see his wardrobe and makeup room in the
Caverns... ;)
TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-02-02 03:34:14 UTC
Post by Caren
WTH?? Did you really just refer to Queenie as a buffoon?? Oh no!
Yes, and she will pay.
Really? How much do you think she will pay? Hopefully enough to re-build
Big Thunder Mountain. That was all her idea, right?
TDC Ping, Royal Heroine Warrior
Grand Imagineer of the Trimobian Pavilion
2012-02-02 05:34:09 UTC
Post by Caren
WTH?? Did you really just refer to Queenie as a buffoon?? Oh no!
Yes, and she will pay.
Really?  How much do you think she will pay?  Hopefully enough to re-build
Big Thunder Mountain.  That was all her idea, right?
TDC Ping, Royal Heroine Warrior
Grand Imagineer of the Trimobian Pavilion
Important point - this has nothing to do with Thunder Mountain or her
railroad. for the most part. It has to do with Thunder Mesa. Two
different birds of similar flock and feather, that's all. And, I get
my own comeuppance in this as well...just a few short installments
away...I pay, and wind up being reimbursed (to a given degree...)

Care for some Diet Mountain Dew? (I can't drink soda anymore -

TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-02-01 10:56:46 UTC
Post by Vully
Post by Caren
Post by Vully
“Bring Master Bhang back to Trimobia with you.  I believe we may be in
need of his expertise in fireworks and explosives before this is
over.  Once I get enough information gathered I’ll send you another
telegraph on our next move. “ I thought a bit  more.  “Oh, get Ping to
go into the fortress and retrieve the cannonade that isn’t chained
down.  I have a feeling we’re going to need that loose cannon, too….”
(to be continued…)
I had barely been awake at my camp in the canyon when the squid-of-
many-disguises showed up with his first intel report.  He didn’t stay
long as fear of being noticed was a reality for the both of us.  I
quickly packed a bag of eggrolls and a keg of Dole Whip Float (laced
with a bite or two of Trimobian Rum Punch) to have him take back for
the Queen and the other Trimobia residents who were being held
prisoner in the Echo Mine. Before he left Larry asked me to take care
of a shipment that was due to have arrived in Trimobia of contraband
Mountain Dew for his Cavern Lounge.  I assured him that Amar had
already returned to Trimobia and that I was certain he would attend to
taking care of the details with 'Big' Bob and Tink.  If there was one
thing worse than a Trimobian without their Rum Punch, or, Ping without
a cannon, it would be no Mountain Dew to be enjoyed in Trimoiba.  I
knew that shipment would get through. Comforted in this knowledge,
Larry tentacled his way back to Echo Mine and his activities there.  I
chuckled to myself, watching him slither away bow-legged did present
an amusing image.  I waited for an hour after Larry departed before I
headed out of the canyon myself and back to the cabin in order to not
draw suspicion on any activities.
We had a quick breakfast at McGride’s place.  The information I had
received was disturbing.  Slim and the Thunder Mesa Gang were growing
stronger with each passing day.  They apparently were amassing a large
arsenal of dynamite, gunpowder, and other explosives for their assault
on Trimobian Adventureland.  The plan was simple, level it to the
ground and re-build their operation there.  What that operation was,
however, was still unclear.  However, there was to be a general
meeting of the entire gathered Thunder Mesa Gang and operation three
days hence.  One of us had to be there.  Everyone in the area already
knew McGirde.  And Jack, well, you might be able to make him look like
an old west bandit, but, there was far too much pirate to ever
properly hide.  As for myself, well, I guess I won the prize.
Besides, I had a few cards I could still play from my temporal
traveling years that were on my side.
I left the cabin and rode into Rainbow Ridge alone.  I was bothered in
that there was one detail I had left out of the matter on purpose.
Apparently a good number of the Queen’s Pirate Brigade had changed
camps in her absence and were a part of her abduction plan that had
transpired.  Apparently something about new work hour regulations she
had issued had been the deciding factor.  Not that it couldn’t be
taken care of, but, I didn’t have the time to go back and directly
deal with the matter, the High Sea Piracy Firm, and the rest of the
union nonsense.  Especially when the labor dispute against a queen who
happened to be trapped less than four miles from where I currently was
had no real effect until the Queen could get back to Trimobia.
In town I had a brief meeting with ‘Pecos’ Bill and ‘Windwagon’
Smith.  It didn’t take terribly long to get them to align with our
side.  It’s amazing what a well-placed glass or two of fermented apple
cider will accomplish.
Bill rode out to the desert to gather the coyote clan and send them
back to the canyons outside Echo Mine.  ‘Windwagon’ would be ready in
his Prairie Schooner, a great covered wagon that was a three-mast
rigging affair, a vessel that sailed the desert and prairie as sweet
and gentle as a ship would sail the sea. For added insurance, after
‘Pecos’ had relayed the message to our coyote family to rendezvous
with me in the canyon, he would ride Widowmaker down south Texas way
and lasso up a couple of small windstorms for us to have as assured
power source for the schooner in the travel back and forth to
Trimobia.   That having been arranged, I knew it would soon be time to
have a meeting of the rest of the party with our two new members as
well.  And, I had to now work myself into the accepting graces of
Alameda Slim and the Thunder Mesa Gang.
(to be continued…)
 TDC Adventurer at large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
The Queen of Adventureland, having decided not to wait around for the
cocktail hour, decided to escape from the mine, taking her cohorts
with her. It was easy, really.
Next thing she knows, she comes across a large stash of dynamite,
gunpowder, and other explosives, and who can bypass an opportunity
like that? Extra fireworks display over the ruins of Thunder Mountain
tonight, boys!
TDC Queen of Adventureland
(Go get Ping, she'll help)
Having noted that their prisoners were missing, the Willies quickly
ran and got several other members of the Thunder Mesa Gang to assist
them.  They quickly caught up with the escaping Trimobians and had
them tied up again.
The unfortunate souls found themselves back in their retaining cavern,
this time without the freedom of movement they had previously been
granted.  Great chains and shackles about their ankles kept them
anchored firmly in the cavern's cubby, which was now barred by a great
iron gate.
Alameda Slim entered the room after the Queen and her cohorts were
shackled, leering evilly at all of them. "You see, no one escapes from
here.  Not even spies we catch amongst us.  Boys, bring him in."
The Willies entered the chamber with a large squid, dressed in solid
black.  "This imposter had pretended to be "Inky" Bill.  He would have
gotten away with it, too, had he not forgotten his silver upper beak
prosthesis during lunch.  Best chain him up as well, boys...can't
trust these Trimobians at all," Slim laughed and said, dripping his
words with evil intent.
"Seeing as how you found our powder cave, and seem highly interested
in it, then, let me assure you that you will be able to first-handed
see it's power and effect.  We are almost doneo shipping all of this
to your realm of Trimobia, where we are going to level your beloved
Adventureland, treehouse, fortress, and, caverns. " He rubbed his
large hands together.  "Very first-hand, in fact.  You see, I was
going to let you live and see what we did to your land.  Now, you will
be chained and left in your treehouse as we blow the place sky high!"
He sneered.  "I do hope you enjoy being blasted into a smithereens
orbit.  As for your loyal pirates," another evil laugh, "most of them
have joined our side and will be assisting us in the destruction of
your realm.  Such a pity, you brass bound buffoon, that, too, is your
fault.  Your last set of regulations and rules sent to them drove them
to strike against you and brought the majority of them over to our
side. " He thought for a moment.  "Those that don't, well, they will
be suffering the same fate as the rest of you. " He whistled and four
heavily armed banditos stepped into the cell chamber.  "These are your
guards, seeing as how we can't trust you for good behavior.  They are
outside the door and will be there until we take you back to your
treehouse and strap you in for the ride of your life.  All you have to
do is wait for the story to be over!"
And with that, Alameda Slim and the rest of his gang disappeared down
the corridor.  As the heavy iron gate closed on our trapped
companions, the voice of Queen Caren could be heard talking to her
associates.  "This is another fine mess you've gotten me into," she
(To be continued...)
TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
Are you determined to make sure that nothing exciting ever happens?

TDC Queen of Adventureland
(Planning multimedia Thunder Mountain extravaganza with Mountain Dew
2012-02-01 20:58:10 UTC
Post by Caren
Are you determined to make sure that nothing exciting ever happens?
TDC Queen of Adventureland
(Planning multimedia Thunder Mountain extravaganza with Mountain Dew
Not in the least - the weaving of the tale is what brings the
conclusion to an explosion.
2012-02-01 21:21:27 UTC
Post by Caren
TDC Queen of Adventureland
(Planning multimedia Thunder Mountain extravaganza with Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew geysers...

God bless The Queen!

Paging Professor Isobar, Professor Cumulus Isobar...

2012-02-01 21:49:47 UTC
Post by Vully
And with that, Alameda Slim and the rest of his gang disappeared down
the corridor.  As the heavy iron gate closed on our trapped
companions, the voice of Queen Caren could be heard talking to her
associates.  "This is another fine mess you've gotten me into," she
(To be continued...)
Larry hadn’t been to my campsite as scheduled. I could only accept
the fact he had been discovered and had been captured. With the large
meeting of the Thunder Mesa Gang happening, matters had to be put
quickly into action.

Wires were quickly sent to Haliburton and Amar to ready their end of
the assault on Thunder Mesa and the Echo Mine. Jack was assigned to
‘Windwagon’ Smith to sail back across the desert to Trimobia and
return with the pirates still loyal to the queen, Laod Bhang’s
pyrotechnical units, a pride of ostriches, Ping, and, the small cannon
she had retrieved. To be honest, Jack was elated at the thought of
actually being on a craft as near a ship as possible to make his
return trip to Trimobia. McGride was on watch to direct the assault as
soon as 'Windwagon' and the reinforcements from Trimobia arrived.

Dressed in the attire I had worn when we had the exciting moment of
abducting ‘Inky’ Bill from the stagecoach, I headed into the depths of
Echo Mine, yodeling on my way. Before long I was intercepted by three
banditos on horseback, horses hiding behind kerchiefs just as their
riders were, and blindfolded. I was unceremoniously tossed across the
backside of one of the mounts and unpleasantly was taken into the
catacombs the rest of the way. When I was removed from the horse, I
was led into a chamber, and, the blindfold removed. Before me was
none other than Alameda Slim.
“Who are you and what are you doing in my mine,” he asked.

I looked back at him. “Well, I might be a tourist who got lost along
the way. “ I took my revolver from my holster. “I might be a
gunslinger out to target your over-sized body.” I slid my revolver
back into her holster. I retrieved a stick of dynamite from my pouch.
“I might be here to blow your clown act sky high and laugh as you
buffoons bounce back to the ground.” The dynamite stayed in my hand.
I then took out a single black rose from the pouch and laid it before
Slim. “Or, I might be here to join up with your side.”

I sat down on a rock, toying with the dynamite. Slim picked up the
black rose and studied it for a moment. “There’s only one person I
know of that uses these flowers as her callin’ card. “ He looked at me
carefully. “You sure look like her, too. “ He turned around to the
passageway in the rock behind him and shouted into it. “Boys, best get
in here. We got a visitor. Gal named ‘Black’ Vull. One of the best
road agents around.”

I casually lit the dynamite from a candle on the table before me. I
made sure that Slim saw what I had done. Then, I tossed it down a
side corridor. “I won’t be needin’ any of these candlesticks then,
will I?”

From the darkness of the corridor the explosive had traveled down came
a deafening roar, followed by smoke and dust pouring into the room. I
chuckled. “I just can’t help but make a flashy entrance, can I?”

(to be continued…)

TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-02-03 06:26:59 UTC
I chuckled.  I was sure he could.  I watched his wagon roll down the
supply trail back towards the town below.  He didn’t get out of sight
a moment too soon.  My relief for the watch showed up and told me to
get back inside the mine as Slim wanted me at the meeting that was
going to start, as he put it, “right soon.”
(To be continued…)
The denizens of the Thunder Mesa Gang poured into the large central
cavern that was their meeting room. Cowboys, banditos, dance hall
girls, Native Americans, longhorn steer, buffalo, you name it…if it
was a archetype of the old west, he, she, or it, was there.

The torches that surrounded the room made a dancing wall of light that
waltzed through shades of red, yellow, and orange in its own melodic
delight. I was on the stage with slim and the Willies when he sent me
to the chamber that held the Trimobian prisoners in order to bring
them before the crowd. His request couldn’t have been more perfect.
I had my chance to pass the word to the queen and her companions on
the plan to get them out.

The two bandito guards at the door handed me the keys and took off to
the meeting chamber. They didn’t want to miss a moment of the show
that was supposedly in store for them from Alameda Slim this night. I
opened the door as quickly as I could. The surprise lit up across
most of the faces in the room. The queen dourly looked at me and
said, “About time you got here.”

I nodded. “Pleased to see you, too, Caren. Have they been treating
you alright?”

Caren gestured with a wave of her shackled hand. “Oh, sure.
Everything has been cocktail hour. I especially liked the Trimobian
Rum Punch and Adventureland Eggrolls.”

I girnned. “Hey, I tried to let you folks know things were going to
be alright.”

“Alright,” the queen asked, “You call being captured, hogtied against
my will, dragged here, chained up, forced to listen to these two,” she
indicated Bubba and Dirk, “drivel at each other, that one,” she
pointed at Larry, “talk about his heroic work in this scheme of yours,
and that...bird always trying to sing, alright?”

I looked at Zazu. “What is she talking about, Zaz,” I queried.

“I was merely trying to keep spirits up with a delightful song,
Vully,” he said. “Allow me to show you…,” the blue hornbill cleared
his throat and started to sing,” It’s a small world, after ...

I personally reached over and clasped his beak shut. “Anything but
that.” I looked at the Queen. ”I get your point.” I quickly undid the
chains from the wall and got my Trimobian friends all standing up.

Caren looked at me sharply, holding out her wrists. “Well, aren’t you
going to take these bracelets off? This is the great escape Larry has
been telling us about, isn’t it?”

I shook my head. “Not yet, Your Maj. Alameda Slim thinks I’m part of
his outfit. You all are going to have to play along until the right
moment. Then, when I unlock you, follow me and run like the dickens.
Everything is in place to get you out of here.”

All of the group nodded their heads in understanding, even the queen
acquiesced, although it was done in her usual grumpy style. I knew
that, underneath it, she was glad to be finally getting out of the
trap. As we walked towards the central cavern she spoke to me. “I
hope that this part of your plan is, at least, a little bit exciting.”

I grinned. “No need to worry about that, Your Nibs, it is. I think
you’ll find it to your royal liking.”

We entered into the room and up onto the stage. Alameda Slim directed
the attention of the gathered denizens of his gang to the Trimobian
Party. The chamber echoed with resounding boos, hisses, catcalls, and
Bronx cheers. After a few minutes Slim raised his hands.

“Well, my friends of Thunder Mesa, there they are, the Trimobians who
are about to give their all so we can have ours!”

A great cheer went up from the room.

Caren scowled at the overweight outlaw. “What do you and this Big
Thunder Mountain outfit want with us, anyhow?

Slim turned on her, fire burning in his eyes. “Not Thunder Mountain,
madam, Thunder Mesa! I told you before to know your history!” He swept
his arm to encompass all the people and beings gathered in the room.
“All of these people and critters out here, all of us, we, WE, are
Thunder Mesa!”

Another great cheer rose from the crowd.

“When Walt Disney World was first planned, Thunder Mesa was going to
be the great mountain of that park! And, inside that mountain would
have been our home. “ He leaned in close to the Queen of
Adventureland. “Surely you’ve heard of the ‘Western River Expedition’
project. It was to have been to Walt Disney World what your stinkin’
Pirates were to Disneyland. We even had the same designer, Marc

A reverent bustle went through the crowd as hats came off all the men
and all the hands went over hearts. The crowd and Slim spoke as one.
“Marc Davis.”

Slim put his hat back on and waited for the rustling of the noises
from the crowd to stop. “But, did we get our home like we were
promised?” He turned to the crowd. “Did we,” he roared, raising the
group into a frenzy.

“NO,” the crowd bellowed back to the stage.

“No,” Slim said. “No. Seems that the bean counters thought another
‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’ would be more profitable than any of our
stories had to offer. So while your land went and got built, ours
never manifested into the reality of Walt Disney World!”

Slim huffed and puffed, slowly calming his seething self down. “So, we
wound up in this magical * MAGICAL* realm where fanciful ideas and
magical critters all go. “ He laughed a malicious chuckle and grinned
an evil grin. “Then we found out you people managed to up and find a
way in here, creating your own version of the real Walt Disney World
in this magical land and setting yourself up as rulers of it. And now,
you’re gonna give your land to all of us to build our Western River
Expedition on at last!”

The crowd went mad. Dirk and Bubba looked at each other and
quivered. Larry looked at me and shook his head. Caren crossed her
shackled arms and stared at Slim. “Oh, yeah. Like you really think
that is going to happen. I’ve got a pirate army ready to march in
here and put idiots like you in your place. “

Slim came over and stared her straight in her face. “I doubt that,
Queenie. Most of your Pirates have saddled up with my agent in your
fortress. Maybe you’ve heard of him? Captain Barbossa?”

Again Bubba and Dirk shared a shocked look. The Queen’s lips were
tight and grim. “I’ll make that scallywag pay,” she said.

Slim laughed. “Oh, he has been paid, all right. He gets to be in
charge of the pirate work crew that is left and help us build our
western wonderland.”

Another cheer from the crowd that rose up to a mighty, echoing, roar.

I had taken enough. I coughed. Slim turned around and saw I was
staring at him. “Well, ‘Black’ Vull. I done forgot to introduce you
to our new friends.”

I tossed my hat aside. “There’s no need to, Slim. Those people are my
friends. “ I pulled my revolvers and leveled them towards him. “And
now, if you don’t mind, we’re getting out of here.”

Slim laughed. “Nicely played, ma’am.” He turned to his bandito
bodyguards. “Get her, boys.”

(to be continued…)

TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-02-03 08:14:42 UTC
Slim laughed.  “Nicely played, ma’am.” He turned to his bandito
bodyguards.  “Get her, boys.”
(to be continued…)
Two of Slim’s ruffians behind kerchief masks grabbed my shoulders and
held me tight. Slim himself walked over and took the revolvers out of
my hand. He opened up one of the cylinders and took a shell out. “Why,
‘Black’ Vull, you were threatin’ me with blanks.”

I stared him in the eyes. “That’s what I do to any useless hippo,” I
snapped back.

Slim looked at me puzzled. “Lady, you are out of your mind. Did you
think you could come in here, pretendin’ to be ‘Black’ Vull, and
rescue me with these little revolvers…loaded with blanks,” He laughed
and the crowd joined with him.

I studied the over-sized rhinestone cowboy. “Well, Slim, I knew the
blanks weren’t going to work. As for pretendin’ to be ‘Black’ Vull,
sweetie, I ain’t.”

He looked at me quietly for a minute. “Well, even if you are ‘Black’
Vull, why in the heck would you, one of the greatest road agents
known, ever want to go straight? Especially to help a batch of losers
like these,” he swept his arm behind him to indicate the Trimobians.

“Just maybe, Alameda Slim, I let a reputation get built up around me
so I could just enjoy the adventure of the lifestyle. Maybe I never
did any road agenting, and just let the story naturally grow.” I
looked at his waist line. “Much like you did your belly there.”

The large rustler growled at me for a moment, and then laughed. “Well,
if you aren’t gonna take me by tiny pistols with dainty little
blanks,” he laughed, “how do you plan to take care of all of us here,”
he spread his arms wide, showing me the entire body gathered in the
whole room.

The crowd murmured their agreed response, looking towards me for my

I studied them back and then returned my gaze to Slim. “Like this.
Now, you scurvy bilge rats!”

Suddenly, the crowd was surrounded by the remains of the Queen’s
personal pirate brigade. Swords and daggers drawn, flintlocks charged
and at the ready, the pirates encircled the massive embodiment that
filled the room. Alameda Slim stopped for a moment at this. The crowd
grew silent, taken aback. For a second, it seemed as if the cards had

Then Slim laughed. “Now, ‘Black’ Vull, I’m sure you know about my
power in yodelin’.”

I nodded. “I heard tell about the effects it had on cattle when you
were in the rustlin’ business,” I replied.

Slim nodded at Dirk and Bubba. “How do you think I managed to catch
those pirates? Now listen up…

The band that had been positioned upstage for the dancing that
happened earlier in the evening sprung forth in the playing of a minor

SLIM: There are crooks in this here west,
Who have claimed to be the best,
And they think they wrote book
On land grab rustles.

Well, as good as they may be,
Not a one’s as good as me,
An’ I barely have to move a single muscle!

They call me mean, Vull -
Depraved and nasty too,
And they ain’t seen, Vull,
The newest thing I do:

You see, I yodel-aidle-eedle-idle-odle!
And watch them pirates glaze up in them their eys!
Cause when I yodel-adle-eedle-idle-odle,
Why look at how they wind up hypnotized

WILLIE 1: He don’t shoot, he don’t yell
WILLIE 2: Still he gets them pirates, swell
WILLIE 3: Which ain’t easy when your chaps are labeled XXXXL!

SLIM: So if yer listenin’ from a pirate’s point of view
I sure can yodel-adle-eedle-idle
Yodel-adle-eedle-idle oo!

Here I go, Vull, all of your pirates in that side pocket!

True to his word, Slim started yodeling and all the pirates around the
perimeter started dancing happily towards the cavern where all the
explosives were stored. Zazu looked at me startled. “I thought your
stories were contracted for only one production number,” he asked.

I shook my head. “Guest villain contract. Had to give him his own

Zazu nodded. “I see.”

I jerked my head towards the other side of the room. “Don’t worry,
Zazz, I was prepared for this.” I quickly burst into counter-melody
and verse while Slim’s yodeling was driving the hypnotized pirates
into the cavern with the kegs of powder and cases of dynamite. “

VULLY: Yip yip yip yowl,
yip yip yip yay,
We howl all night and we prowl all day…
Yip yip yip yowl,
yip yip yip yee,
You made our lives plain misery.

From high atop the pinnacles that surrounded the great chamber my
coyote clan joined in the chorus:

COYOTES: Yowl, Yowl, Yowl,
Yowl, Yowl, Yowl,
You may our lives a misery.

And then they just kept yowling. Suddenly the pirates stopped moving
towards the danger the hypnotic yodel of Alameda Slim was leading them
towards and turned back towards the crowd in the room. Slim looked at
me in shock and surprise. I laughed. “Coyote howling, Slim. It has
the audio properties to counter-effect any yodel you might produce!”

Slim tore off his bandana in rage. “Alright, get those pirates, men,
and I mean now!”

The banditos and the Willies jumped from the stage and ran into the
crowd in the room. As Slim worked to turn the crowd into a herding
force on the queen’s pirates, I quickly ran to my friends and started
undoing the locks on their shackles. I checked the situation on the
floor. The angered mob of Thunder Mesa was closing in on the pirates
from Trimobia. I turned my head towards the cavern on the other side
of the room. “Now, Amar,” I shouted.

The howling of my canine family was suddenly joined by the whoomping
of a riled up pride of ostriches. The great-legged birds came running
into the room, pecking on heads and poking at the denizens of Thunder
Mesa with great gusto. I had to grin. Confusion reigned.

I motioned for the Queen and the rest of her companions to head
towards the side tunnel where Amar was standing, waiting for us to
reach him. What we hadn’t counted on was Alameda Slim seeing us make
our retreat and suddenly standing in our way. “Goin’ somewhere? Why,
seems to me you just got this party started. I think you should stay
and have a bang-up end.” He laughed. Take ‘em all, boys, and that
ostrich herder by the door, too!”

Another band of masked banditos on masked horses rode into the chamber
and lifted us all onto the back of their steeds. Amar was also
unceremoniously scooped up and we were all trotted to the chamber that
was filled with dynamite, black powder, and other explosives. Before
long all of us, pirates and ostriches as well, had been cornered into
a mass body that stood before the great wall of danger.

Slim stood there with a torch in his hand. “Seems to me we’re goin’
to have to use what powder we got left here to take care of these
unwelcome guests. I suppose the charges we have already planted over
in Trimobia’s Adventureland are just gonna have to do. Pity, I would
have loved to see what the total blow out would have been if we had
gotten these barrels over there, too.”

He turned to Caren and sneered in her face. “I was goin’ to tie you up
in your tree house and blow you sky high above your own realm. Now I
gotta do that here, you brass brayer of nonsense! How do you feel
about these matters now? Not just you, but every last one of your
friends and pirates, too. That includes you, ‘Black’ Vull. Any last
words you want to say?”

(to be continued…)

 TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please

Alan Menken & Glenn Slater. THE COYOTE'S LAMENT is from THE COYOTE's
LAMENT. Sincerest thanks (and apologies) to The Walt Disney Company –
this is fan fiction and not professionally published for profit or
gain – all rights retained by original owners)
2012-02-03 12:12:18 UTC
Sensing that this will go on all weekend, BigBob heads back to the
Step-by-step he makes his way to Tink's, crawls out the window and
climbs to the tippy-top.
Facing Adventureland, he hurls himself to his merciful, narrative-
free, death.

When Reedy Creek comes to scoop him up, they discover a short note...
"Please, someone -- anyone -- find the big button and push it."
2012-02-03 13:18:40 UTC
Post by BigBob
Sensing that this will go on all weekend, BigBob heads back to the
Step-by-step he makes his way to Tink's, crawls out the window and
climbs to the tippy-top.
Facing Adventureland, he hurls himself to his merciful, narrative-
free, death.
When Reedy Creek comes to scoop him up, they discover a short note...
"Please, someone -- anyone -- find the big button and push it."
Hey, I'm pretty sure that after another round of introductions,
costume changes, and snacks someone might possibly plan to do

Or, we could just light this fuse here.

TDC Queen of Adventureland
2012-02-03 18:22:58 UTC
Post by Caren
Post by BigBob
Sensing that this will go on all weekend, BigBob heads back to the
Step-by-step he makes his way to Tink's, crawls out the window and
climbs to the tippy-top.
Facing Adventureland, he hurls himself to his merciful, narrative-
free, death.
When Reedy Creek comes to scoop him up, they discover a short note...
"Please, someone -- anyone -- find the big button and push it."
Hey, I'm pretty sure that after another round of introductions,
costume changes, and snacks someone might possibly plan to do
Or, we could just light this fuse here.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
Oh, come on. I have tried to move this along quicker than usual here
and gotten to the excitement - stage 1 - I do ask the respect if I
leave things hanging for a few days for you, bob, or any of the other
usual hijackers, to not meddle with the story, however, as I am
heading out to Calico for a Job Interview this afternoon (Barstow
area) and have no idea what my start date and training schedule will
be, or, when I'll get back to my computer.

And, as I recall, you and your party (as well as myself) are standing
between an angry mob out to kill us and a wall of explosives.... ;)

2012-02-03 18:54:20 UTC
Post by Caren
Post by BigBob
Sensing that this will go on all weekend, BigBob heads back to the
Step-by-step he makes his way to Tink's, crawls out the window and
climbs to the tippy-top.
Facing Adventureland, he hurls himself to his merciful, narrative-
free, death.
When Reedy Creek comes to scoop him up, they discover a short note...
"Please, someone -- anyone -- find the big button and push it."
Hey, I'm pretty sure that after another round of introductions,
costume changes, and snacks someone might possibly plan to do
Or, we could just light this fuse here.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
Hi guys -

1. Bob is gonna stayed tied up in the Pirate lair until the story is
over, suicide is not an option. ;)

2. The story is almost over, and, the tension is building. After
all, Caren, you, I, and the rest of the Trimobians are caught between
an angry mob and a wall of explosive items....

3. I humbly request that you, Bob, and all of the usual suspects of
story hijacking or embellishing respect the story in progress as I am
going to be in hiatus for a few days as I head out this afternoon for
a job interview at Calico Ghost Town. (Attractions - Mine tour,
Haunted Shack, Gold Panning. I am already a volunteer on their street
entertainment and gunfight team) I do not know what my work/training
schedule will be and it stands to be a few days without computer
access for me to finish this up...as well as all of the patchwork
quilt ideas you offer up to be weaved in. (which is fun, to be honest
with you.) I appreciate your respect and honoring the story (and the
writer) in this matter.

Other than that - wish me luck, I need the work, it gives me a chance
to get out of the toxic air environment and high cost of living of
Orange county in southern California...which are both very good things
to have happen in my life.

All the best - will get back to this soon -

2012-02-03 20:12:47 UTC
Post by Vully
Post by Caren
Post by BigBob
Sensing that this will go on all weekend, BigBob heads back to the
Step-by-step he makes his way to Tink's, crawls out the window and
climbs to the tippy-top.
Facing Adventureland, he hurls himself to his merciful, narrative-
free, death.
When Reedy Creek comes to scoop him up, they discover a short note...
"Please, someone -- anyone -- find the big button and push it."
Hey, I'm pretty sure that after another round of introductions,
costume changes, and snacks someone might possibly plan to do
Or, we could just light this fuse here.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
Hi guys -
1.  Bob is gonna stayed tied up in the Pirate lair until the story is
over, suicide is not an option. ;)
2.  The story is almost over, and, the tension is building.  After
all, Caren, you, I, and the rest of the Trimobians are caught between
an angry mob and a wall of explosive items....
3.  I humbly request that you, Bob, and all of the usual suspects of
story hijacking or embellishing respect the story in progress as I am
going to be in hiatus for a few days as I head out this afternoon for
a job interview at Calico Ghost Town. (Attractions - Mine tour,
Haunted Shack, Gold Panning.  I am already a volunteer on their street
entertainment and gunfight team) I do not know what my work/training
schedule will be and it stands to be a few days without computer
access for me to finish this up...as well as all of the patchwork
quilt ideas you offer up to be weaved in. (which is fun, to be honest
with you.)  I appreciate your respect and honoring the story (and the
writer) in this matter.
Other than that - wish me luck, I need the work, it gives me a chance
to get out of the toxic air environment and high cost of living of
Orange county in southern California...which are both very good things
to have happen in my life.
All the best - will get back to this soon -
Good luck. Have fun storming the castle...er...gulch.

We'll just behave ourselves while you're gone. Okay, maybe a teensy,
weensy, explosion. You'll hardly notice at all.

TDC Queen of Adventureland
(What should I do with this tanker load of Mountain Dew?)
2012-02-03 20:47:10 UTC
Post by Caren
Post by Vully
Post by Caren
Post by BigBob
Sensing that this will go on all weekend, BigBob heads back to the
Step-by-step he makes his way to Tink's, crawls out the window and
climbs to the tippy-top.
Facing Adventureland, he hurls himself to his merciful, narrative-
free, death.
When Reedy Creek comes to scoop him up, they discover a short note...
"Please, someone -- anyone -- find the big button and push it."
Hey, I'm pretty sure that after another round of introductions,
costume changes, and snacks someone might possibly plan to do
Or, we could just light this fuse here.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
Hi guys -
1.  Bob is gonna stayed tied up in the Pirate lair until the story is
over, suicide is not an option. ;)
2.  The story is almost over, and, the tension is building.  After
all, Caren, you, I, and the rest of the Trimobians are caught between
an angry mob and a wall of explosive items....
3.  I humbly request that you, Bob, and all of the usual suspects of
story hijacking or embellishing respect the story in progress as I am
going to be in hiatus for a few days as I head out this afternoon for
a job interview at Calico Ghost Town. (Attractions - Mine tour,
Haunted Shack, Gold Panning.  I am already a volunteer on their street
entertainment and gunfight team) I do not know what my work/training
schedule will be and it stands to be a few days without computer
access for me to finish this up...as well as all of the patchwork
quilt ideas you offer up to be weaved in. (which is fun, to be honest
with you.)  I appreciate your respect and honoring the story (and the
writer) in this matter.
Other than that - wish me luck, I need the work, it gives me a chance
to get out of the toxic air environment and high cost of living of
Orange county in southern California...which are both very good things
to have happen in my life.
All the best - will get back to this soon -
Good luck. Have fun storming the castle...er...gulch.
We'll just behave ourselves while you're gone. Okay, maybe a teensy,
weensy, explosion. You'll hardly notice at all.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
(What should I do with this tanker load of Mountain Dew?)
Thanks - but, the last installment I am putting up has the first of
the (seriouss) explosions in it - as far as the story is concerned.
As for what happens in between - have fun!
2012-02-14 01:59:35 UTC
Post by Caren
Post by Vully
Post by Caren
Post by BigBob
Sensing that this will go on all weekend, BigBob heads back to the
Step-by-step he makes his way to Tink's, crawls out the window and
climbs to the tippy-top.
Facing Adventureland, he hurls himself to his merciful, narrative-
free, death.
When Reedy Creek comes to scoop him up, they discover a short note...
"Please, someone -- anyone -- find the big button and push it."
Hey, I'm pretty sure that after another round of introductions,
costume changes, and snacks someone might possibly plan to do
Or, we could just light this fuse here.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
Hi guys -
1.  Bob is gonna stayed tied up in the Pirate lair until the story is
over, suicide is not an option. ;)
2.  The story is almost over, and, the tension is building.  After
all, Caren, you, I, and the rest of the Trimobians are caught between
an angry mob and a wall of explosive items....
3.  I humbly request that you, Bob, and all of the usual suspects of
story hijacking or embellishing respect the story in progress as I am
going to be in hiatus for a few days as I head out this afternoon for
a job interview at Calico Ghost Town. (Attractions - Mine tour,
Haunted Shack, Gold Panning.  I am already a volunteer on their street
entertainment and gunfight team) I do not know what my work/training
schedule will be and it stands to be a few days without computer
access for me to finish this up...as well as all of the patchwork
quilt ideas you offer up to be weaved in. (which is fun, to be honest
with you.)  I appreciate your respect and honoring the story (and the
writer) in this matter.
Other than that - wish me luck, I need the work, it gives me a chance
to get out of the toxic air environment and high cost of living of
Orange county in southern California...which are both very good things
to have happen in my life.
All the best - will get back to this soon -
Good luck. Have fun storming the castle...er...gulch.
We'll just behave ourselves while you're gone. Okay, maybe a teensy,
weensy, explosion. You'll hardly notice at all.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
(What should I do with this tanker load of Mountain Dew?)
The gulch was great - I got the job - spent the last ten days in the
desert working and house hunting - back in town until Weds morning,
then I head back out to work another weekend - this is the Civil War
Days Encampment at Calico Ghost Town and I'm working the Mystery Shack
Tours Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. I'll try to get a couple of more
installments up tomorrow to keep this moving forward towards the final
conclusion...living in San Bernadino County (Barstow area) and Garden
Grove (Orange County) is a bit of a haul on a weekly basis...;) But, I
got a p/t job...where wearing a six-shooter, knives, and quirts (not
to mention a bullwhip or two - when I get one), dressin' old west - is
required dress code, and I get to fool around and interface with the
guests in character as much as I want...it isn't Disney, but, the job
is darn close!
Lisa Cubbon
2012-02-14 13:02:14 UTC
Post by Vully
Post by Caren
Post by Vully
Post by Caren
Post by BigBob
Sensing that this will go on all weekend, BigBob heads back to the
Step-by-step he makes his way to Tink's, crawls out the window and
climbs to the tippy-top.
Facing Adventureland, he hurls himself to his merciful, narrative-
free, death.
When Reedy Creek comes to scoop him up, they discover a short note...
"Please, someone -- anyone -- find the big button and push it."
Hey, I'm pretty sure that after another round of introductions,
costume changes, and snacks someone might possibly plan to do
Or, we could just light this fuse here.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
Hi guys -
1. Bob is gonna stayed tied up in the Pirate lair until the story is
over, suicide is not an option. ;)
2. The story is almost over, and, the tension is building. After
all, Caren, you, I, and the rest of the Trimobians are caught between
an angry mob and a wall of explosive items....
3. I humbly request that you, Bob, and all of the usual suspects of
story hijacking or embellishing respect the story in progress as I am
going to be in hiatus for a few days as I head out this afternoon for
a job interview at Calico Ghost Town. (Attractions - Mine tour,
Haunted Shack, Gold Panning. I am already a volunteer on their street
entertainment and gunfight team) I do not know what my work/training
schedule will be and it stands to be a few days without computer
access for me to finish this up...as well as all of the patchwork
quilt ideas you offer up to be weaved in. (which is fun, to be honest
with you.) I appreciate your respect and honoring the story (and the
writer) in this matter.
Other than that - wish me luck, I need the work, it gives me a chance
to get out of the toxic air environment and high cost of living of
Orange county in southern California...which are both very good things
to have happen in my life.
All the best - will get back to this soon -
Good luck. Have fun storming the castle...er...gulch.
We'll just behave ourselves while you're gone. Okay, maybe a teensy,
weensy, explosion. You'll hardly notice at all.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
(What should I do with this tanker load of Mountain Dew?)
The gulch was great - I got the job - spent the last ten days in the
desert working and house hunting - back in town until Weds morning,
then I head back out to work another weekend - this is the Civil War
Days Encampment at Calico Ghost Town and I'm working the Mystery Shack
Tours Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. I'll try to get a couple of more
installments up tomorrow to keep this moving forward towards the final
conclusion...living in San Bernadino County (Barstow area) and Garden
Grove (Orange County) is a bit of a haul on a weekly basis...;) But, I
got a p/t job...where wearing a six-shooter, knives, and quirts (not
to mention a bullwhip or two - when I get one), dressin' old west - is
required dress code, and I get to fool around and interface with the
guests in character as much as I want...it isn't Disney, but, the job
is darn close!
So glad you got the job!

And it sounds like fun too. Lisa
2012-02-14 13:58:28 UTC
Post by Vully
Post by Caren
Post by Vully
Post by Caren
Post by BigBob
Sensing that this will go on all weekend, BigBob heads back to the
Step-by-step he makes his way to Tink's, crawls out the window and
climbs to the tippy-top.
Facing Adventureland, he hurls himself to his merciful, narrative-
free, death.
When Reedy Creek comes to scoop him up, they discover a short note...
"Please, someone -- anyone -- find the big button and push it."
Hey, I'm pretty sure that after another round of introductions,
costume changes, and snacks someone might possibly plan to do
Or, we could just light this fuse here.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
Hi guys -
1.  Bob is gonna stayed tied up in the Pirate lair until the story is
over, suicide is not an option. ;)
2.  The story is almost over, and, the tension is building.  After
all, Caren, you, I, and the rest of the Trimobians are caught between
an angry mob and a wall of explosive items....
3.  I humbly request that you, Bob, and all of the usual suspects of
story hijacking or embellishing respect the story in progress as I am
going to be in hiatus for a few days as I head out this afternoon for
a job interview at Calico Ghost Town. (Attractions - Mine tour,
Haunted Shack, Gold Panning.  I am already a volunteer on their street
entertainment and gunfight team) I do not know what my work/training
schedule will be and it stands to be a few days without computer
access for me to finish this up...as well as all of the patchwork
quilt ideas you offer up to be weaved in. (which is fun, to be honest
with you.)  I appreciate your respect and honoring the story (and the
writer) in this matter.
Other than that - wish me luck, I need the work, it gives me a chance
to get out of the toxic air environment and high cost of living of
Orange county in southern California...which are both very good things
to have happen in my life.
All the best - will get back to this soon -
Good luck. Have fun storming the castle...er...gulch.
We'll just behave ourselves while you're gone. Okay, maybe a teensy,
weensy, explosion. You'll hardly notice at all.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
(What should I do with this tanker load of Mountain Dew?)
The gulch was great - I got the job - spent the last ten days in the
desert working and house hunting - back in town until Weds morning,
then I head back out to work another weekend - this is the Civil War
Days Encampment at Calico Ghost Town and I'm working the Mystery Shack
Tours Thursday, Saturday, Sunday.  I'll try to get a couple of more
installments up tomorrow to keep this moving forward towards the final
conclusion...living in San Bernadino County (Barstow area) and Garden
Grove (Orange County) is a bit of a haul on a weekly basis...;) But, I
got a p/t job...where wearing a six-shooter, knives, and quirts (not
to mention a bullwhip or two - when I get one), dressin' old west - is
required dress code, and I get to fool around and interface with the
guests in character as much as I want...it isn't Disney, but, the job
is darn close!
Yee haw!
(Is that the proper congratulations for a cowboy job?)

As promised, I didn't blow up anything while you were gone, although
my trigger finger is getting itchy.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
2012-02-14 16:29:16 UTC
Post by Caren
Yee haw!
(Is that the proper congratulations for a cowboy job?)
As promised, I didn't blow up anything while you were gone, although
my trigger finger is getting itchy.
TDC Queen of Adventureland
Well, Cow Person, if you want to be politically correct. ;) In my
case, Cowgirl. ;) Thanks to both you and Lisa for the responses -

Hope to get this up tonight, otherwise, it'll be next week before I
can get back on line....

2012-02-03 18:19:25 UTC
Post by BigBob
Sensing that this will go on all weekend, BigBob heads back to the
Step-by-step he makes his way to Tink's, crawls out the window and
climbs to the tippy-top.
Facing Adventureland, he hurls himself to his merciful, narrative-
free, death.
When Reedy Creek comes to scoop him up, they discover a short note...
"Please, someone -- anyone -- find the big button and push it."
Sorry, Bob, you're still tied up in the bowels of the Pirate's lair.
You don't get away that easy.

2012-02-03 20:52:00 UTC
Post by Vully
He turned to Caren and sneered in her face. “I was goin’ to tie you up
in your tree house and blow you sky high above your own realm.  Now I
gotta do that here, you brass brayer of nonsense! How do you feel
about these matters now?  Not just you, but every last one of your
friends and pirates, too.  That includes you, ‘Black’ Vull.  Any last
words you want to say?”
(to be continued…)
I shook my head in a negative manner. I looked at Slim and shrugged.
“you might as well and go ahead and light up the FIREWORKS!”

Suddenly the cavern was filled with explosions and sparks flying
everywhere. Colored rocket trails shot back and forth across the top
of the great internal cavern that was the meeting space behind the
great angry mob. A gust of wind swept through the cave, extinguishing
all of the lit torches. As a few sparks finished their pyrotechnical
waterfalls from the great columns, a sudden loud explosion and a burst
of light from a ledge above the powder kegs erupted. The whistling
sound of a projectile flying overhead was heard, and, the following
noise of impact of steel against rock column after column was the
echoing reply.

A solitary torch lit up, revealing a smaller woman standing on that
ledge, leaning on the barrel of a small and smoking cannon. “Howdy,
Ping,” I said.

She nodded at me. “Vully.” Then she nodded at the Queen. “Hey,
Queenie,” she shouted, and waved. “Guess I showed up just in time!”
Ping took a long coil of fuse out of her pouch that worked its way
down and amongst the barrels below her. She brought her end of the
igniting line towards the flame dancing on the torch nearby. She lit
it, watched it sparkle a bit, and then, quickly dampened her fingers
and put it out.

“I’m about to light this fuse for the big show,” she said. “But, in
my hurry, I forgot if I packed a slow burning fuse or a fast burning
fuse. To be honest, the only way we’re going to find out is when I
light it. The question you should ask yourselves, is do you feel
lucky. Well, do you, old west type punks?” She toyed with the end
near the torch. “And, trust me, I am going to light it. As any of my
friends down there can tell you, I love to make things explode.”

Ping touched the fuse into the flame and brought the dangerous cord of
fire to life. She draped it down towards the crowd below her at a
safe distance. “I would suggest running." The crowd just stared at
her. Ping made shooing motions with her hands towards the main exit
of the mine. "Now.”

The crowd took off, running at full speed towards the mine’s main
exit. The Queen, the Trimobians, and our ostriches I directed up a
back set of steps onto the ledge where Ping was standing. I pointed
towards another shaft. “There, that’s the way out. The CHESHIREGRIN
is waiting out there to get you all safely airborne as soon as you
emerge from the mine. “ I started after them and stopped. I realized
Ping was still behind us. “Come on, Ping, we haven’t time!”

Ping showed me the fuse. “Aw, gee, it’s the slow burning fuse, too.
I had plenty of time to build more suspense with. “ She sighed. “I
suppose I should go.” She dropped the fuse down amongst the barrels.
“Wheeeeee,” she laughed, watching it sparkle and glow. Then she took
off running after the rest of the Trimobian crowd.

I shook my head and took off after them. I saw the light of the exit
ahead of us and the shadows of my companions climbing out to safety.
Suddenly, from behind me, there came a loud explosion! A large
fireball came racing up the passageway in my direction with a great
wind of force behind it. I was knocked onto a ledge below the pathway
we were following. The Trimobian escapees looked back in my
direction. I waved them towards the exit. “Fly, you fools,” I

The Trimobian party hit the ground as the great ball of fire erupted
from the mine shaft entrance and billowing smoke clouds filled the
air. The Queen headed straight for the CHESHIREGRIN and safety.
Larry turned and shouted, “We have to go back for Vully!”

The Queen shrugged her shoulders. “She told us to fly. She would
have made it out if she wasn’t writing narrative.”

Larry shook his head. “I don’t care, I’m going back down to see if
she is still alive.”

Suddenly the laughter of Alameda Slim was heard and the airship, with
the Queen aboard, took off into the night sky, rising upward from
amidst the settling smoke and dust below.

Larry, Dirk, and Bubba reached the crumbling ledge and pulled me to
safety. We quickly made it to the surface where the rest of our party
and the pride of ostriches were waiting.

“What happened to the CHESHIREGRIN, “ I asked.

Amar shook his head. “Alameda Slim took it and kidnapped Haliburton
and the Queen. Where he has taken them...,” he shrugged. “However, I
would suggest that we get ourselves an ostrich and ride out of here as
this mountain is starting to crumble beneath our feet!”

Noticing he was right in his statement, we all quickly mounted a bird
and rode with the wind down to Rainbow Ridge and the awaiting vessel
of ‘Windwagon’ Smith to safely return us to Trimobia. As we boarded
the Prairie Schooner, we watched the remains of Thunder Mesa go up in
a cloud of dust and smoke under the moonlit sky.

(to be continued...)

 TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-02-15 05:02:49 UTC
Post by Vully
Noticing he was right in his statement, we all quickly mounted a bird
and rode with the wind down to Rainbow Ridge and the awaiting vessel
of ‘Windwagon’ Smith to safely return us to Trimobia.  As we boarded
the Prairie Schooner, we watched the remains of Thunder Mesa go up in
a cloud of dust and smoke under the moonlit sky.
(to be continued...)
Jack Sparrow was last seen heading in the direction of the Swiss
Family Robinson Treehouse with a set of Liar’s Dice being carried in
the pouch at his side. He made his way up the staircase to the
Queen’s bedroom, where he found Hector Barbossa reclining in the
Queen’s extra-large hammock. Barbossa was a bit surprised to see his
fellow pirate captain suddenly standing in the lofty tree chamber’s

“Jack,” Barbossa said, “I didn’t know you were back on Trimobian

Captain Jack nodded in a flowing nonchalant manner. “I don’t always
fire a cannon when I come in on the tide.” He looked around the
room. “Seems you have made yourself at home in Her Nibs privy
chambers.” Sparrow crossed to table and sat down. “I’m sure you have
a bit of a story about that.”

Captain Barbossa swung himself out of the hammock and landed on the
floor. “It’s like any story, Jack, there’s the winnin’ side, and,
there’s the losing side. “ The red-bearded pirate poured two tankards
of Rum Punch from a nearby keg and then carried the beverages to the
table. “I prefer bein’ on the winnin’ side. “ He slid one of the
tankards to Captain Sparrow to enjoy.

Jack picked up the tankard and enjoyed a drink from it. He sat it
down and nodded. “I can see that point, Hector. But, there is a
chance the game has yet to be over. What makes you so sure your
anchor has dropped on the right side of the bay?”

Barbossa laughed. “Because Her Royal Nibs of this here Trimobian
Adventureland is enjoyin’ the hospitality of my friend, Alameda Slim.
Not to mention the general affection of the rest of the Thunder Mesa
Gang.” He took a drink.” But, really, Jack, for you that’s old
scuttlebutt. After all, matey, ye were there and tryin’ to save the
situation, weren’t ye?”

Jack grinned. “As you said, I prefer the side that’s winning.”

Barbossa spit and laughed. “But your side isn’t winnin’, Jack! Once
again you’ve taken the wind in your sails to become stalled at sea
with the wrong crew at your hands.”

Jack took a drink and nodded. “Perhaps I have. “ He thought a moment.
“Then again, perhaps I haven’t. Surely there are plenty of pirates
in the caverns below that are willin’ to stand up for Her Brassiness.”

Barbossa went out to the balcony and motioned for Jack to follow him.
He pointed at the fortress above the pirate’s caverns. “See there,
Jack, the fortress is surrounded by the pirates what are loyal to me.
The rest of them dogs are sealed up down below until they realize they
need to change their crew.” Barbossa took another drink from his
tankard and then threw it down from the perch he was on to land on the
pavement below. “And, now, Jack, as long as ye are here, perhaps it
be time to consider what crew you are sailin’ these tides with.”

Jack walked back to the keg and poured himself another tankard of rum
punch. He placed it on the table and sat down in a chair. He opened
his pouch and took out the cup and dice, placing them before him. “As
you know, Hector, I rarely choose sides. However, as this seems to be
of matter with importance, why not let a game of Liar’s Dice decide?
If I win, you’ll let me walk out of here and sail out of Trimobia a
free man. If you win, then then, I’ll sign agreements with your new
crew and stand full sail at your side.” He rolled a cup and watched
the dice spill onto the table. “What do you say to to that?”

Barbossa got another tankard and filled it with the national drink of
Trimobia. “Yer on, Jack. And, by the rollin’ bones, you best hope ye

(to be continued…)

TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
2012-02-15 05:42:47 UTC
Post by Vully
Barbossa got another tankard and filled it with the national drink of
Trimobia.  “Yer on, Jack.  And, by the rollin’ bones, you best hope ye
(to be continued…)
The Prairie Schooner had docked at Adventurers Hall before the sun had
decided to start making rounds for the day. We were met at the dock
by a short man with white hair who looked more a butler than he did a

"Hello, Vully," he said in greeting.

I looked up. "Millard! Glad to see you are here. Filling in for
Haliburton, I imagine?"

He nodded. "At least it gives me something to do. All the other guys
over at the Hall of Presidents don't even notice when I'm gone. I can
set an old mop in my chair and put a suit on it and everyone thinks
that I'm sitting there." He sighed. "I guess that's what you get when
your term as president results in absolutely nothing happening."

I grinned. "Millard, there are times when I would love to experience
nothing happening." I nodded back towards the windwagon behind me.
"There's the first arrival of the people returning from trying to save

Millard Fillmore looked hopeful. "Did you rescue the Queen?"

I shook my head in the negative. "Didn't work out. Alameda Slim
hijacked the CHESHIREGRIN, Haliburton, and the Queen. Didn't see
which way they headed, and, haven't seen any sign of them here. " I
thoughta moment. "I wouldn't doubt they show up relatively soon,
though. Alameda Slim still has his final card to play on the table in
trying to eradicate Trimobia's Adventureland in order to build his
Thunder Mesa and Western River Expedition Empire." Millard looked at
me confused. "I'll fill in the details later, " I said. "Best make
some arrangements to hide the pirates and the ostriches in the
geothermal caverns for a few days. I don't want to tip off Barbossa
that we're back. Also make arrangements to lodge the townsfolk of
Rainbow Ridge who'll be arriving the next couple of days as well.
Keep them out of sight, too." I turned to head up to the Hall and my
chambers when another thought hit me. "By the way, how is it going
with Laod Bhang and setting up the chairs on the main lawn for our

Millard grinned. "That much, I can assure you, is going well."

I chuckled softly. "Make sure we have enough seats for the new guests
who are going to be arriving. I don't think they will want to miss
the show."

(to be continued...)

TDC Adventurer-at-Large & Whatever I Darn Well Please
